In our educational context the adjective great is related to effective teaching. So, teachers will be great if they are effective when teaching their subject(s); however, there are some characteristics that make teachers great.
First, the real desire to be teachers is the key for us to become great teachers. If we have a real desire to be great teachers, we will become great teachers. This means that if we have the real desire to learn as much as we can about our subject in order to have a strong content knowledge, and if we improve our verbal ability in order to give the students clear information, they will learn very well what we teach.
In order to become great teachers, we have to think not only of us, but also of our students. Teachers are great when they know his students very well. So, teachers should be very empathetic in order to understand their students´ behaviors, desires, needs, and differences. Knowing and taking into account all these aspects teachers can become great because they will be capable not only of teaching well but also capable of interacting with students in a good and friendly way.
Finally, what makes teachers great are their moral values because teachers are models, so we should practice moral values like: respect, honesty, responsibility, punctuality, and solidarity, in order to give good examples to our students.