martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

Organizing for Instruction

How do you focus on instruction?
Well, I focus on instruction by taking into account the time I have for each class, and based on that, I try to organize and prepare each class as best as I can in order to use the time for instruction effectively.

How do you maximize instructional time?
First, I maximize instructional time by arriving at school early. In this way, I can prepare or place all my materials before my students enter the classroom. I also maximize instructional time by letting my students know what our routine is. For example, they already know they have to form a line to enter the classroom, and they already know what their seats are. Besides, I keep my students working while I check the homework assignment. This means, I first do the warm up activity or a review of the last topic. Then, I explain the topic. After that, my students and I do the exercises in the oral form, and then, I ask them to solve them in the written form while I check some homework assignments.
I think, a good way to maximize instructional time is by preparing materials in advance as well as a good and clear lesson plan for each topic.

How do you expect students to succeed in your classes?
I expect my students to succeed by letting them know the expectations I have for them. I have explained to them that I don’t want them just to pass the subject but I want them to learn some Basic English. Besides, I try to encourage them to learn English for their future. I have explained to them the importance of English around the world but especially in our country.

How do you plan and prepare for instruction?
First, I plan my lesson plan and create the materials I use in each class. In the lesson plan, I include just important information and the most suitable exercises about the topic. I think it is also important to give some time to each part of the lesson plan in order for it to be organized. Besides, I create and prepare some useful materials to explain the topic very well. In this way, my students understand quickly and better. Useful materials facilitate the teaching learning process.

Do you make last-minutes changes when things are not working? Based on what premises, have you made such changes? Did they work?
Sometimes it is necessary to make last-minutes changes when you consider things are not working. I make last-minutes changes when I consider it is necessary, for example, when I lose some minutes of class because the students enter the classroom late, I modify some things in order to recover that time. For example, when I don’t have enough time to write on the board, I dictate the information or I just explain it.  Another example can be when the students don’t want to participate in the warm up activity I suspend it and I start explaining the topic. In my case these changes have worked because I have had a good lesson plan to follow.  I didn´t get lost or frustrated.

What needs to be done to better your instruction?
I think time is the key to improve my instruction. I think sometimes I fail in my instruction because of the time. I think time is not enough to cover everything, although I organize everything and prepare my materials in advance. I think public schools need at least five hours of English a week in order for us, as teachers, to use that time to give a better instruction.

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